Monday, June 26, 2006


I had these thought last Sunday morning after talking to my son, Ben, in Iraq, who had just returned from being shot at uncountable times on a patrol that has lasted for over ten months:

What makes one life sweeter than another?

What makes the tearing of flesh and shattering of bones in one body more acceptable than in another body?

Whose mother's tears at a child's death are more lamentable than another mother's tears?

Whose father's anger at the murder of his child is more justified than another father's anger?

Whose righteousness is purer: one who believes there is honor in killing, or one who believes there is honor in being killed?

Which leader is greater, one who pursues killing, or one who avoids killing?

Whose guilt is greater, a person who kills, or one who is silent in the face of killing?

Is it only a matter of perspective, or of one's lack of perspective?

Dexter Kamilewicz
Orr's Island

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