Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Two poems by Aaron Nadell, grade 3
The Sound of War
The sound of war
sounds good until
you realize how many
people you killed.
And with that
you will never forget that sorrow
and the day of victory
and death.
Peace at last
The sound of a dragon flapping its wings makes the sand from the bottom of the earth rise from the ground and soil sprays up and stops wars...and armies guarding borders stop and turn and run home...when they get home peace surrounds them instead of hot boiling sweat with heavy armor and sword that feels like twenty pounds...blood becomes common and normal skin becomes rare with no cuts...but all of your memory of bad things goes away when the dragon flaps its wings
The Sound of War
The sound of war
sounds good until
you realize how many
people you killed.
And with that
you will never forget that sorrow
and the day of victory
and death.
Peace at last
The sound of a dragon flapping its wings makes the sand from the bottom of the earth rise from the ground and soil sprays up and stops wars...and armies guarding borders stop and turn and run home...when they get home peace surrounds them instead of hot boiling sweat with heavy armor and sword that feels like twenty pounds...blood becomes common and normal skin becomes rare with no cuts...but all of your memory of bad things goes away when the dragon flaps its wings